March 26, 2008


Not a whole lot has been going on lately that I've felt the need to share with the world. A couple of updates I guess.

1) My g/f got back from Europe. Yay!
2) Went down to Tucson to catch a couple of spring training games which was awesome.
3) Samurai Champloo is one the top 3 animes I've ever seen in my entire life. It was fucking amazing. WATCH IT!
4) Decided to take linux off of my laptop. Tried for days and days to get the sound working properly and I couldn't figure it out. No help on the net. I'm going to get a desktop and have that be a linux only machine though.
5) Work is soooooooo slowwwwwwwwww. My days have been dragging on like no other.
6) Kevin Hench is still a douche.
7) How the fuck do people find it okay to tell people one thing and then do the other?
8) WTF is MLB thinking? Yeah, lets play two games in Japan that are part of the regular season then have those two teams come back and have 3+ spring training games. Fucking genius.
9) Opening day for the D'Backs is exactly 4 days 11 hours 14 minutes and 15 seconds from now.
10) No Bleach this week. I die a little inside on weeks like this.

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